

UK Based Author & Speaker

Welcome to my pages! I'm Steve Bennett, a sixty-something entrepreneur and author living in Staffordshire, England. 

A twenty plus year research project into the neuroscience of wellbeing and happiness brings the Maximum Happiness project onto these pages. 

Check out my welcome to the course video here https://www.s...

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Valentina's Story (Fiction Crime Thriller)

Valentina's experiences will make you laugh, empathising with her life, filled with incresaing fear, danger and suspense. 

As you wonder what you would do in her situation, you'll become emotionally attached to the characters in her story. 

The three part series will transport you to her world, glamorous one ...

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Fictional Thrillers or Transformational Inspiration - Why Choose Me?

You can be sure that my written works are entirely original. 

Browse through my thriller fiction novel collection, let yourself be immersed in the thrills and spills , ecstasy and heartbreak of the characters and their exploits. 

Maybe it's factual non-fiction that floats your boat. If so, and you wonder why it is ...

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The Maximum Happiness Wellness Course

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